



5 則留言:

  1. Hi, Joe. I like your blog, and read it from time to time. I enjoy your articles and find them have in depth material. But I think your recent daily photos make your blog too fragmented and lose the focus. Though the photos are really good, it will be much better to group them and post in one article. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  2. Hi,

    In the beginning, I posted the daily photos on my facebook. But, my wife said some of my readers suggested to post them on my blog, too.

    Yes, you are right about losing the focus. I once thought about create another blog to put the daily photos. But, it will lose the focus, too.

    What do you mean by 'group them and post in one article'?

    And many thansk for being the faithful reader on my blog. Any furhter suggestion is welcome and appreciated.


  3. BTW, the daily photos is kind of a project of my own to practice the photoshop skill.

    So, I pick some of the old photos (good ones but not perfect) and try to turn it into perfection (I think).

  4. Hi, thanks for the info. I really like your previous articles that have stories behind them. I just feel your recent photos are kind of missing themes. If they are grouped with a theme (such as "Mountains I visited last year"), they will be easier for a reader to follow and enjoy. Your blog is among the best I ever visited, and my comments are with my blessing. Thanks.

  5. Yes, my wife has the same feeling as yours - stories behind the pictures is all it matters.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will try what I can do.
